How Corporate Sales Can Be Maximized?

Sales and marketing are considered to be the most important aspects of any business as these aspects are the ones from which finances and generated. So the need of the time is to continuously buck up your sales team whether they are direct salesmen, telesales representatives, advertisers or anyone related to sales.

how to maximize sales

Who leads:-

Those businesses which pay full attention to small details regarding sales and show encouraging behavior towards the sales team are meant to lead the competition in a developed city like Dubai.

If a firm is lagging behind in sales or feels that their team needs improvement to be up to the mark then sales training in Dubai from the experts is essential for them.

Four tips on how to maximize sales

Here are some of the essential traits that a salesperson needs to possess which are extremely beneficial not only for the salesperson but also for the company to maximize sales.


This factor is considered if you are indulged in direct sales. A good, decent, sober and sophisticated salesperson is going to be more influential and can the buyer buy the product more easily as compared to the one who looks ordinary in not so good outfit.

Self-presentation is the key.


This is the first thing that makes an impression of the sales person on the customer. Lacking in confidence means you’ve lost half of the game before starting. Good trainers will tell one thing to the salesperson that “confidence is pretty and overconfidence is ugly” so either you are over confident or lacking in it, both are not going to benefit you and the firm.

Listening skills:-

A salesperson cannot be a good salesman if he doesn’t have the ability to listen to the customer. It may happen that the customer is bitten by a wrong salesperson or a wrong guy and the next encounter with any guy selling something may provoke the person to get his frustration out.

No problem. Listen well to all the problems, demands and other things of the customer and be an effective problem-solver. By listening to the requirements you are giving him the respect that he wants.

Presentation of the product:-

Corporate trainers call it the live add. Presentation of the product is one factor where you need to lure the customer into buying the product. If you got the product, hand it over to the potential customer and present the product well.

See if anything is packed or wrapped well chances are that the consumers will fall for it. Same is the case here, the well the salesperson presents the product the more are the chances that he/she may turn out to be successful in closing the deal.

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Comprehensive Guide to Sales Coaching – Infographic

No matter what types of business you are running, the sales department is a crucial requirement to be adequately maintained. It is because they are responsible for bridging the gap between your products and the targeted audience. Owing to this, many business people ensure rigorous skills imparting and training to their sales staff for higher productivity.

No doubt, a few people come up with particular sales abilities, but not everyone is the same. Owing to this, it is essential to plan comprehensive skills development programs for them to direct the salespeople in the right direction of confidence and reliability.

Skills development and grooming are trending high across the world owing to its significance and scope for the company’s progress. For this, the business companies need to select the appropriate sales training Dubai based resources to assist them in grooming the skills of their salespeople. The right training programs can considerably help them in sharing in-depth sales knowledge, coaching plans and other stuff to keep your sales team up-to-date and well-groomed. The strategy leads to ultimate success in business.

Comprehensive Guide to Sales Coaching

Note: To use this infographic in your content just copy the image link and add in your content.

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Helpful Tips To Resolve Conflicts And Provide Ideal Customer Service

The Emirati consumer market is continuously growing. And the trend can be seen in various sectors — retail, electronics, health and beauty, etc. According to a report, the electronic market specifically was expected to grow by about 7.7 percent to about Dh 14 billion. An increase from 13 billion last year! Other sectors show the same trends.

With the increase in the consumer size, it’s becoming more and more important for sellers to perform customer related functions well. Pleasant and consistent customer service holds the top priority as it has become the way companies are winning the hearts of customers around the world!

Tips to resolve conflicts through pro customer support service in Dubai
Resolve Conflicts through Ideal Customer Support Service

For businesses, it has become critical to improve the departments that directly deal with customers by providing pro sales and customer service training. Not just simple training, the best training! And the best training requires the services of the best training companies in Dubai. The right training works by resolving conflicts and it ensures the customer leaves feeling satisfied and content with the service provided!

Conflict resolution tips through ideal customer service

When a buyer reaches out to the customer services department, they’re either worried or extremely angry about their shattered expectation about a product or service. Although, it may not be easy dealing with shouting customers, your customer service representatives could use the following conflict resolution tips:

Do NOT react!

Whatever the voice on the other end of the phone is saying, it’s important not to react. Customers need to vent their frustration about the problems they faced when using the product/service and they want the help desk to help them out. It is important to listen patiently, regardless of how aggressive the customer is.

Stay silent! Stay peaceful!

When the customers are telling you about the problems they’ve been facing, it is essential to listen to them without interrupting. Staying silent allows the customer to vent out what they have in mind. Only when is it entirely out can you assess the actual problem and work towards solving it with the help of the customer.

Summarize to show you’ve understood the problem!

As important as it is to stay silent when the customer is venting, it’s also important to show understanding. To do that, once the customer has finished talking, summarize and repeat what they’ve experienced. When you summarize their problem for them, it does two things; it shows that you’ve understood the problem and also shows that their problem is NO PROBLEM!

Ask them questions

If you’re looking to provide the best customer service they’ve ever experienced make sure you ask the customer relevant questions. It calms down the “conflict mode” in customers and shows that you’re willing to work towards solving the problem.

Thank your customers for pointing out issues!

When you’re done noting down their complaints, make sure you thank your customers for pointing out the mistakes — highlight customer’s importance in helping you improve your products and services and how their feedback ensures that.

Keep them informed

Its not be up to the customer sales department to fix the problems a customer is facing.  However, it’s critical to tell your customer about the next steps that you’ll be taking to ensure that their problem is solved let them know about the department their issue will be escalated to and how soon you will get back to them!

Honor your word! Get back to them!

It’s one thing to promise a follow-up, but the best customer services departments ensures that they follow up with the customer, who might be in a better mood to discuss the problem they were facing and the solution you implemented! Conflict resolved!

Take away!

It’s understandable for customers to get upset about a product or service they invested time, money and effort for, learning that it doesn’t exactly perform as they expected. The best practices for your customer sales should ensure that each issue is catered to, and dealt with professionally.

As easy as it may seem, dealing with customers 24/7 with patience and perseverance requires rigorous training by professionals and Subject Matter Experts. If you’re looking to train your customer sales reps, opt for the best customer service training courses and you’ve already achieved what most businesses never can! A content, satisfied customer!

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Why Follow-Up Training is Essential for Salespeople

Every sales individual knows that leads generation requires the customers to proceed through the whole process till the end. It is not a piece of cake for the salespeople to keep the customers motivated to buy a product or service.

For this, it is vital that sales officers are well-versed in the technical aspects of follow-up for accomplishing the sales objectives successfully.

However, eminent industry experts belonging to UAE and other competitive markets across the world consider the process of follow-up as art rather skills. It this regards, it is essential to polish existing skills for better productivity by acquiring professional sales training Dubai based services.

Importance of Follow-Up Training

Why Salespeople Needs Follow-Up Training?

It has been observed that various organizations ignore the value of follow-ups in leads generation because they are not familiar with the impact and consequences of no remaining in touch with the potential customers.

However, salespeople can well understand the significance and scope of having a continuous hi-hello with the people who were once interested in a product offered by the company.

Here are the main reasons that why sales associates need to have the proper training to improve their skills of following the potential consumers to drive their purchase habits:

It helps to establish the company’s credibility

Just consider the scenario that once a customer finds your product helpful in his routine life but he or she might not buy it owing to insufficient budget or other constraints. While the customer leaves the store, the thought of your product may vanish from his/her mind.

On the other hand, if the potential customer receives a reminder call or message, it will make him think of the company as highly responsible towards consumers. In this way, the credibility of the company will increase to have a positive impact on customers.

It bridges the gap between consumers and the company

Maintaining cordial relations between the company and consumers is imperative. The salespeople can accomplish the responsibility through comprehensive communication. It is not possible without proper follow-up.

However, without adequate training, the things get worse as it can make the customers irritated with unnecessary text messages, emails and phone calls. For this reason, training is essential.

Assists in maintaining a uniform process

It is imperative to have a user-friendly method for following up.  The mission of regular consumer protection devised by the company plays a significant role in retaining consumers. For this purpose, the follow-ups must be universal for all.

Don’t forget the elements of business communication and consumers engagement for highly positive results. Many competent FMCGs operating in UAE, hire experienced sales training services to keep their sales individuals abreast with formal business methods of keeping in touch with potential consumers!

Takes Away

Summing up, follow-ups make the potential customers believe in the value of your products because they have a feeling of self-esteem to be a loyal consumer.

However, a lot of calls from the salespeople asking the same questions once and again are highly irritating which makes the consumers frustrated.

Therefore, it is imperative to learn the art of follow-ups without making the people feel over-burdened and annoyed. So, remember to get the best training services for your sales individuals to improve their productivity for follow-ups.

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Secrets To Improve Communication Skills For Success In Sales

Think about the fundamental concept of sales. It is the process of communication which drives the potential customers to make a purchase. The success depends on the effectiveness of communication.

It is because many people come to purchase products or services to solve their problems. Now, it depends on the salesperson that in what ways he could understand their issues and suggested appropriate resolve options to pick from.

However, there is a challenge in the whole scenario. Most of the sales officers usually make a fatal mistake as they just explain the products or services but lack in persuasion. It is a critical element of effective communication.

Many business organizations across the world have realized the need. Therefore, higher attention is paid to search for ways and methods to improve the communication skills of the workforce to generate higher sales.

Nevertheless, training of essential communication skills is considered an integral part of the sales department. Besides others, the business sector of the UAE is hiring sales training Dubai services in the nuke and corner of the country.

It is done to equip the sales officers with all the necessary skills and traits which make them highly influential during the sales process. Further, the research has shown that high performing organizations conduct sales training twice a year to keep their workforce abreast with up-to-date techniques of prospecting.

Summing up, the sales department is the backbone of every business organization. It is owing to the fact that the effectiveness of the sales sections leads to higher profitability.

Improve Communication Skills with Sales Training Dubai
Improve Communication Skills for Success in Sales

Courtesy by Ignite Training

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Design An Effective Sales Training (Infographic)

It is rightly said that the best way to sell something is not to sell anything. But, learn the key factors which help the buyers to encourage for purchasing your products. It can be done by earning the trust of the customers.

It is the reason that many organizations pay attention to keep their sales department up-to-date and execute rigorous training sessions for personal grooming.

However, it is imperative to keep a few critical factors in mind while designing the training programs, especially in the sales sector. It is owing to the reason it is not easy to grasp the attention of the people without inspiring them. Therefore, the salesmen should be capable enough to pursue the potential customers towards secure buyers.

It goes without doubt that success in sales comes after the sales officers stretch themselves to cross their limits in terms of capacity and skills. This type of behavior can only be nurtured through rigorous training.

For instance, in a place such as the UAE, pursuing people towards product purchase is not easy. So, the responsibility of capacity building entrusted to the sales training Dubai companies to plan, execute and lead instructional counseling for their workforce.

Last but not least, assessment of the learned skills is a must at the end of every training session for better productivity and skills improvement.

Effective Sales Training
Effective Sales Training


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Learn About Psychological Triggers to Influence Customers Positively

Being a salesperson, how do you drive customers to purchase a product? It’s easy to answer because every salesperson knows the meaning of influencing customers positively.

But it’s not as easy as it is said, so how do you understand by influencing customers. And what will be your strategy being a salesperson to drive people more into buying something?

Generally, salespeople have to strive really hard to boost customers’ intention to make a purchase. For this, they cannot hypnotize people, but they have to drive them positively.

Best Sales Training Dubai

Many organizations conduct training programs owing to this much importance and scope of sales responsibilities; For instance, various professional companies ensure regular sales training Dubai in order to attain sustainability in the competitive marketplace of UAE.

How to Use Psychological Triggers to Boost Sales?

Fundamentally, human beings are motivated by their instinctive behaviors. So, psychology helps the sales person to drive customers’ actions in their favor.


Every human being loves to explore new things, unique pattern, and innovative products. It has been successfully proven neurologically that human brain releases an excessive quantity of dopamine when people get familiar with novel things.

It goes without doubt that novelty attracts the attention of the people because it makes them more happy and attentive. So, the brain releases such substance as the part of a reward much awaited. Dopamine keeps the people in the happy mood for a long time.

Perhaps, now you have understood that why people go shopping when they feel sad or depress. Therefore, the same trigger can be applied by the sales persons to influence the behavior of customers positively leading to higher sales.

This psychological factor has been used by most of the marketers to sell their products online. So, they introduce one or a few novel products on the weekly or monthly basis to engage customers throughout the year. Resultantly, higher the consumers’ engagement is higher the sales.

Driving Force or Motivation of All Human Behaviors

According to psychology, the behavior of all human beings is driven mainly by the desire to attain maximum pleasure and avoid pain. Even, anything has been done which is painful, to some people, its joy.

For instance, some people tend to do adventures and related things which are risky, but it gives them the pleasure. It is relatable to the department of sales. The customers sometimes, look for such product which might be harmful to them but what to do when a salesperson must sell things. In such a scenario, the field knowledge and training attained help the salesman to resolve the issue successfully.

Therefore, the primary trigger of every behavior among the people is the underline motivation to ensure happiness even the shopping. So, salespeople can use this trigger to influence the customers for increasing their sales. But, it’s not as easy as it seems.

It is owing to the reason that salesperson should have an adequate understanding that what influences customers from the perspective of marketing psychology.

Not only this, demographic aspects play an active role in shaping individual’s behaviors. For instance, customers from UAE may have different shopping preferences as compared to a person living in US. Therefore, if you are looking for the business growth in UAE, you need to ensure sufficient sales training in Dubai to grasp higher opportunities.

The Role of “W” in Human Psyche

It is an everyday fact of understanding that what, where, why, when, and which one as well as so many other Ws influence the behavior of human beings. It is evident from the psychological research that people tend to understand a thing or product first before buying.

So, the sales individuals are required to understand the importance of these factors in order to make better sales. It is easy to do that because human mind always remains in search of suitable answers to complicated questions.

Therefore, the importance of a product in the daily life of the people can be explained rhetorically to trigger the psychological aspect of many Ws to ensure increased sales.

Tell a Story

The concept of stories and fantasies is not new for human beings. People remain involved significantly in listening to success tales of others for ages. It’s the way of conveying messages from the one generation to the other.

The field of marketing is mainly based on the idea of shaping individual’s viewpoint in order to sell specific ideas, thought or product. It is the reason that success stories, struggle tales and much related have become a constructive tool for increasing sales.

Notably, in highly competitive markets such as UAE, the sales training programs in Dubai should be designed to keep the factor in mind that people get involved in significant success, hardships, struggling stories.

So, a professional salesperson should nurture the ability to tell amazing stories.

Takes Away

Marketing is a broad field having sales as the most critical category. It is owing to the reason that sales department enables the product to be liked by the customers.

Therefore, it is imperative for the salesperson to keep their solutions simple yet attractive. The use of psychological triggers can help to boost sales. So, never ignore to incorporate this factor in sales training.

Why Sales Training Fails: Facts And Solution

Stop thinking like a sales person, Think like a customer!

The survey conducted by ES Sales Research has found that averages retention time of 75-80% of training is around 120 days only. It shows great concern among the companies and trainers because training is a heavy investment of money and time.

Why People Take Sales Training

No doubt, it has disappointed many people because training is conducted to improve business. However, when it comes to sale training, the problem becomes even grave.

It is because sales training is designed to enhance the capabilities of sales personnel. But lacking in describing the end goal can lead to dismayed results.

Sales Training Solution in Dubai
Why Training Fails: Facts And Solution

Presently, every individual understands the importance and scope of training employees. Perhaps, it’s owing to the reason that people are initiating more training programs in this department.

The experience of sales training in Dubai exhibits a long history of comprehensives training sessions leading to success as desired. The professional training company not only keeps in view the objectives as well as the end goals to be achieved.

Reasons for Why Sales Training Fails

Zig Ziglar rightly says it right that:

“Every sale has five basic obstacles, no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, and no trust.”

Therefore, the job of salespeople is to eliminate all the mentioned five hurdles to make people eager for shopping. So, proper training is given to them to accomplish the task successfully.

However, there are many reasons because of which training programs fail despondently. A few are given below:

No Systematic Approach Adopted for Training

The main factor of success or failure in any training is the approach. A systematic approach is essential to get favorable results.

Unfortunately, many training programs could not get the desired outcomes because they lack in the systematic approach.

Not Engaging and Interactive

Do you know the response of employees when they come to know that their organization is going to conduct employee’ training?

Some get extremely bored and the other calm their nerves by considering it one working day without any work.

Why they have such an impression of sales training? It is owing to the fact training sessions are not engaging. Employee needs are complete ignored.

No motivational factor is included

Motivation is the driving force for sales. If there is no motivation, there are no sales in stores.

It is owing to the reason that companies introduce commission and other incentives for salespersons to keep them motivated. Other factors such as appreciation make a lot of difference.

However, sales training lack the element of motivation partially or completely leading to miserable results in the shape of failure.

Solution: How to save sales training from failure

Professional sales training institutions in Dubai keep your workforce energetic and confident throughout the sessions by engaging them completely.

However, every problem has a solution with it. The above mention problems are not beyond the resolution.

Always consider the following to make your training program risk free and comprehensive:

Sales Training Requirements and Goals

The first and foremost important thing to consider is the requirement gathering and planning. The main weakness of training sessions is that trainers are not well aware of the requirements and goals.

So, before conducting a training session, make sure that you have proper awareness of major reasons, objectives, and goals of that specific session.

Trainer and Trainee Confidence

It is very important that workforce who is going to participate in a sales training should be given proper briefing explaining the reasons of training, criterion, nature, and scope as well as benefits. It will establish a confidence level between the trainee and trainers.

Active Involvement of Sales Persons in Training Sessions

Training programs are conducted passively. It means that trainers give lectures and the sales people listen which is detrimental to both the employees and organization.

Therefore, design the sales training in a way that enhances the activity of training programs by the active involvement of employees. Practical tasks and group discussions can do it perfectly.

Concluding Words – Take Away

According to a renowned institute of sales training Dubai, training can be divided into two major forms. The one type is strictly related to basic technical understanding and the second type is concerns with general ability and skills.

However, salespeople can get benefits from both types of training to become a progressive employee.

Remember! Training is a long-term investment; don’t compromise for less when you can improve your skills as a sales individual by getting proper training.

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3 Essential Sales Training Topics To Cover In Your Next Session

The changing world of sales

A company’s sales force is its most prized and valuable asset. This is the team that goes out every day (or works the phones) and busts their gut to bring in new customers and increase business profits. If a business can’t secure customers, they’re not going to sell any products or services and will eventually have to shut down operations. It really is as simple as that.

While the world of sales has changed drastically over the past few years thanks to the ever-increasing popularity of e-commerce and other forms of online purchasing, salespeople still play a vital role in determining how the company markets its products to its customers and which niche markets are targeted.

To build a successful sales staff, it’s essential for companies to invest in on-going training and development programs that help sharpen their employees’ skills and teach them new tricks and techniques that are essential for closing out a deal.

Modern training problems

That being said, coming up with an effective training strategy that engages employees and teaches them the core skills that are required is certainly no easy task. If you’re a training manager, you’ll know exactly what we’re talking about.

Often times, it’s even harder trying to cram 50 different topics into an hour-long session that usually ends up causing more harm than the good it does. Employees are left confused and overwhelmed with endless amounts of information that they simply can’t process.

So, how do you come up with a sales training program in Dubai that’s actually effective and short, while still presenting all the topics that were required? You narrow down your focus.

Essentially, there are 3 major training topics every organization needs to cover to give their sales team the best chance for success. We’ve covered each of them briefly below.

3 Essential Training Topics

1. Communication skills

This one is an absolute no-brainer. The ability to communicate effectively is the single most important skill every salesperson must learn and develop.

If your current employees have been with the company for a while, there’s a high chance that they’ll already know how to talk about your products well enough to make them marketable, but that’s just one part of communication.

How many of them actually stop to listen to what the customer has to say and what he/she needs? Does the product your team is trying to market actually do any good for your client’s needs?

This is one of the hardest skills to teach to people who are new to the sales industry, but it’s also the most important. When customers feel like their needs are getting recognised, they’re far more likely to hold your brand in high regard and pay attention to your sales pitches.

2. Customer services

The phrase “the customer is always right” originated in the sales industry more than a hundred years ago, and it still holds true to this day. Companies that make it to the top are almost always the ones that prioritize their customers’ needs over their own.

It’s vital that your sales staff not only knows how to listen to customers but also takes their feedback and uses it in a constructive manner, no matter how negative the comments may be. Of course, there are certain cases where a customer’s demands are unreasonable, but handling these situations also requires a certain tact that, thankfully, can be taught.

3. Conflict Management

Incorporating conflict management as part of your sales training in Dubai helps your employees deal with rude customers and also manage arguments within the workplace.

Office conflicts play a huge role in your annual turnover rate. If an unhealthy relationship develops between two employees, there’s a high chance that one of them will leave the job or ask for a transfer to another department.

In a competitive market like the UAE’s where there’s already a shortage of skilled salespeople, this is the last thing you’d want happening.

Have a one-to-one session with each of your team members and ask them if there are any existing grudges or problems that are affecting the office productivity. Be sure to make the employees comfortable before you have this discussion since they might feel apprehensive about the topic.

If you’ve identified a possible conflict, address it in a professional manner and make sure the employees understand each other’s stance. Often times, things get blown out of proportion simply because someone misunderstood what the other person was trying to say.

10 Great Reasons To Invest In Sales Training For Employees

Employee retention and high staff turnover rates are some of the biggest concerns for all organizations in Dubai and the rest of the UAE.

The sales industry in Dubai is incredibly competitive, and no business can afford to lose its best and most skilled employees to competitors who are offering better packages and on-the-job training.

While most managers might not agree, the easiest way to retain your top performers is to invest in ongoing development programs for the entire company.

Hiring a sales training firm in Dubai doesn’t just help you reduce the turnover rate; it also ensures that your staff is working at their productive best.

Remember: A motivated, happy workforce is a business’ strongest weapon.

Sales Training Dubai
10 Great Reasons To Invest In Sales Training For Employees